Castle of Chaos…

Spring Scare time. Love this time of year. Always get a little something to wash away the cute bunnies and flowers.

Myself, Kyle, and Alec headed down to Castle of Chaos this year. Having never been there before, and having read VERY mixed reviews of the place, I was a bit nervous about it.

First of all, I can understand why so many people dislike the place. Castle of Chaos, it turns out, is not your run of the mill haunted house. And, the complaints read that it was too short, or not scary enough. Well, it’s as long or short as you want it to be. And, there are 3 different haunts here, only one of which is designed to be ‘scary’. The other two are about giving you a story, around a ‘scary’ setting.

Now, to those thinking I’m nuts taking a 5 year old along. This is the kid who at the age of two, helped me build a dummy, knowing exactly what pieces meant to go where, and then wanted to make it “scariest”. This is all very natural to him, and he understands it’s all people in costume.

Thus, walking up on the street, we come up to this couple of scary folk. Alec marches up to the tall one “What’s your name?” The axe wielding maniac answers “his name is skippy.” “Hi Skippy, my name’s Alec”. Pose for pictures, shake his big boney hand, and in we go.

Now, I had decided it best to avoid the “Xtreme terror” haunt, and focus on the other two with the kids. And, after getting our tickets, we went into a waiting room. There was a large crowd gathered for the Vampire Mystery, so we went to “3D terror” first.

So, predictably, we get some 3d glasses (“Safety goggles”) to go into this top secret lab, where there are a doctor and 2 assistants performing experiments.

The 3D art was pretty cool, and we round a corner into the doctor’s chamber. Tubes running everywhere, wierdo things floating in jars, this green and orange paint on everything, the orange looking like it’s floating thanks to the glasses. And in the center, a big dentist chair covered in 3d effects.

Predictably, Alec is chosen as the guinee pig. “Hop up in the chair”

“OK!” Climbs in. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Dr Stitches, and we’re going to do an experiment on you that will extend your life 300 years. Of course there are certain side effects. Minor skin…discoloration” As he’s pulling these BIIIIG needles off a tray. 3d effects and all.

Alec: “Are you going to kill me?”

“I would NEVER kill someone….(intentionally)”

Alec, eyes getting big “Is that going to hurt?”

“I promise it’s not going to hurt me at all.”

“I don’t think I want a turn”

Kyle, however, having become accustomed to more standard haunts, didn’t really know what to do. So used to the style where you stay quiet, and slowly move through as the actors do their thing.

And so it went on through the hospital. Alec did get a little nervous when we hit the maze, one of the patients pestering us as we wound our way through. But, I can’t blame him for being a bit nervous about a mental patient dressed up like a clown, who looked like he had 2 faces thanks to the glasses.

Next, it was on to the Vampire Mystery. We get there just in time, and there are a bunch of late teens/early 20’s college kids standing, listening to this speil by Dracula about the rules of his castle. He leaves, and another group comes in to explain to us how to kill Dracula. But first, we can ask this gypsy a question. A bunch of college kids standing around stupid, not wanting to look silly asking the lady a question, while Alec is doing the jumping up and down with his hand raised. He asks if we are going to win. She pulls out the magic 8 ball and it says “yes definately”. Never doubt the gypsy magic. He is given a card for his bravery in asking the question, and they go on to then give everyone a random card and explain that we get these cards (but be sure to call them WEAPONS) to help us kill the vampire. (who’s looking silly now, college kids, we gots an extra one) So, between us, I have holy water, Kyle and Alec both have a wooden stake, and Alec ALSO has a rosery that will frighten vampires away.

You proceed into the castle, talking to folks in each room, and if you ask the right question, or perform the right task, they help you by giving you information or better weapons. This is a huge game, not a haunt. And, it’s also where other people can ruin the thing for you. Some places you’re supposed to find hidden cards, and some of the teens would snatch the whole pile instead of taking the ONE they are supposed to. But, we muddled through and obtained the weapon that would kill Dracula. (cause wooden stakes are not enough, that’s why he has so many movies) As the thing goes on, fewer and fewer of the items are given out, and you have to work together to come up with a winning combo. We sneak into the chamber, and Kyle and Alec use their uberweapons to put an end to Dracula. But, unfortunately, we didn’t get the prize as it went to another in the group who had an instruction manual AND the weapon. At least we didn’t get eaten ourselves, eh? Dracula goes into his death throws and sprawls out on the ground.

Alec bends down and gives him a big hug, and asks if he’s ok.

All in all, it was a very fun night.

So, for those of you wondering whether to go to Castle of Chaos. This thing is about having FUN, not about getting scared. Take your time, talk to the folks, and have a good time. PLAY the game, and don’t ruin it for others. If there’s some jerks in your party, just return to the room you needed whatever in later, it’ll be restocked. As for the Xtreme Terror, they were handing out splatter shields (plastic coveralls). If that’s your thing, all the better.

Just remember to hug Dracula when it’s all over.

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