General Uno’s All Purpose Orangy Oriental Chicken.

As long time readers know, cooking, for me, is yet another hobby of mine.

Most of the time I’ll just throw something together it’ll be ‘good’, and we’ll move on.

And, I rarely get to eat Chinese food around here, as my wife doesn’t tend to like it much. Fortunately she works often, and I’ve been circling in on a favored dish of mine for quite some time: General Tso’s chicken. Now, I’m SURE there are loads of recipes for this online, but what’s the fun in THAT? It’s been trial and error.

The other night, I had a bad day, and she was home. I told her I wanted to experiment, and she agreed. Intent on bringing it all together at last, I was frustrated to find some of the key ingredients had been lost due to a recent fridge failure incident. SO…I made due….and came up with something even better. When the boss said ‘you need to write that one down’, I knew we were on to something special. So, this weekend, we made a final batch, fixing the few mistakes we made last time.

So, here it is, some kind of bastard cross between General Tso’s and Orange Chicken.

The Sauce:

1 1/2 Cup Chili Sauce (Ketchup will work as well)
1/4 Cup Orange Juice (add this last, little less/more to taste)
1/2 Cup Soy Sauce
1/4 Cup Red Wine Vinegar
1/3 Cup Sugar
2/3 Cup Brown Sugar
2 cloves Garlic, minced
pepper sauce to taste*(I like Cholula brand, about 2 TBS (Tobasco, etc))
1 TBSP Rosemary
1 1/2 tsp Ginger
Pepper to taste
3 TBSP Corn starch

Throw that all in a sauce pan and simmer until thickened to the desired consistency.

The Chicken:

Cube a bunch of boneless/skinless chicken breasts. Take a bit of that sauce above (about 1/3 or enough to cover) and marinade that chicken for 2-24 hours.

In a baggie, mix:
3 cups Flour
2 TBSP Curry powder
2 tsp pepper

Take that marinaded chicken and dunk it in the flour mixture, and spread out onto a cookie sheet. Bake at 400 for 10-15 minutes, until cooked.

Now, transfer that to a pan/wok sprayed with pam, and stirfry with your favorite veggies. Pour the rest of the sauce over the top, and serve.

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