The Plan.

With the house remodel being finished, it’s time to start looking to the yard.

One of the harder things with expanding the house was losing back yard. We spent most the summer cleaning up refuse from the remodel, and it was time to start thinking of what we want in the yard.

I always wanted a path between the gardens, and all the way around the house. We needed a patio. And we wanted a nice fire pit area.

So, we began looking for fire pit area ideas, and really fell in love with the idea of these standing stone ones.



No, I can’t recreate any one of those, but it does give a direction we can look towards.

Seeing what we had to work with, we first marked off a new patio area.

And then the fire pit circle (we don’t think it will end up this large, but giving plenty of room to play with depending on what stones we can find)

So, with such a big project in place, Halloween once again is going to take a little bit of a back seat. But, that doesn’t mean I’m not finding interesting little tidbits to draw inspiration from.


But I never cared what I had done, I only cared where I was going.

– Ray Harryhausen


Slow going

Between basketball and skiing and school with the kids, slow going on progress.

Working on a head for the Barghest.

Ordering seeds for the year, I’m looking forward to seeing how well these pumpkins do.

Should prove to be interesting jacks.

Little side project that got interrupted. “Witch Jars” of Pumpkinrot fame. Got some additions to the idea I couldn’t get to till the weather warms up.

Been looking over RadoJavor lately.

Didn’t realize it at the time, but back in 2010, it was a pic that he did (but uncredited on the site I originally saw it) that started this whole Harvest thing.

It was sitting as the wallpaper on my work computer (since a pic of some skulls I made was found offensive and I was asked to change) when the weather decided to destroy most the things we had built for 2010. The more I stared at it, the more I came to realize how fun it would be to recreate.

Well, finding him has perhaps provided inspiration for 2014. (no way I could do this with the Barghest and stuff going this year.

Monstrous new project and tutorial.

Started on a new Chimera.

But, the monstrous work has been putting together our massive tutorial on monster mud and creature design. I’m still putting pieces together, but “>have a look.

Little diversions.

Strange weekend.

Lots of little sidetracks. Oh sure, I got some more gardening in, and finished up sanding Trevor (thank god), but it was mostly filled with sidetracks.

Talia’s Dance recital, for instance…where I sat and critiqued the lighting in my head whilst waiting for her turn.

While interesting, the main little detour of the weekend came in the form of an unexpected source from thatgamecompany.

“thatgamecompany designs and develops artistically crafted, broadly accessible video games that push the boundaries of interactive entertainment. We respect our players and want to contribute meaningful, enriching experiences that touch and inspire them.”

In the form of their game, Journey.

“An interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience a person’s life passage and their intersections with other’s.”

Really just a DIFFERENT experience. Little instructions are given, and you soon find yourself running around talking to tombstones with random people you meet. Real people, also playing, but you never know who they are.

Somehow fitting I find a game all about tombstones as I’m wondering what on earth I’m going to do for ours.

eh…why not?