
Ah…finally. A proper FIRE.

Stopped by Target last night, for I had been informed their gas firebowl had been knocked down 50%. We get there, and after tracking down the actual way to purchase the dang thing, (Target, you really need a better means of purchasing the big stuff)we were informed that they had none left. But, we were welcome to take the floor model and get ANOTHER 20% off.

Uh. YEAH! So, we walked out of Target with this $250 firebowl for $100.

Filling up the propane tank, and it lights right up, Jen and I sat around it under the gazebo talking late into the evening as the storms rolled in overhead. Something that will more than likely become a normal occurance. This thing will be getting quite the workout over the summer. Cooking smores, hot dogs, just giving atmosphere, whatever.

But, come Halloween, I now have a means to make a proper fire to dance around. It looked great from the far end of the yard. And, it provided me a chance to look at my stuff in firelight, make sure it’s looking good for the big night.

The shrunken heads look SO darn good under firelight. It’s just plain down right creepy.

My mask…I’m not happy with right now. I tried to paint it this weekend. Wanted it to be monochrome, but was avoiding the white/grey/black of the last 2 years. And, a co-worker who always comically names my masks has deemed this one “Shrek”. Green seemed to be a good choice. The idea was to have black on the low lying areas and the raised portions gradually move to a green. Didn’t work well, the whole thing is just green right now. And, in the firelight looked like utter crap to me as I couldn’t make out any of the details.

Jen’s saying that’s mostly due to my trouble seeing shades of colors to begin with and it looks fine. I don’t know what to do. Looking into getting an airbrush. Hopefully to touch up and get the original idea of black around the low lying areas to come out. And, even when painted completely, we’re only roughly 1/2 done with the thing. Plenty of surprises left on this mask. I know I’ve been neglecting my picture duties…promise some will get snapped soon.

And, with the fire pit. May as well try the green fire…

A little spray bottle makes a nice green puff that lingers just a bit. Jen has pictures of that. We’ll have to get them up when I can.

Soaking paper, letting it dry, and tossing it on didn’t do much. Next, gotta try some wood chips. Some way or another, I’ll be getting something I can toss on to add a little theatrics with some green fire.

And, pretty sure the new neighbors have moved in…

Either they had company last night, or it’s some kind of group purchase of the place. Someone was out working the BBQ anyway. Didn’t recognize them, but it was dark. Hmmm…Proper way to greet them…A gift of skulls? Maybe I should start working on Fred?

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