
One of the highlights of my little trip was yet another of the ‘go all out for Halloween’ folks calling my whole idea of the Harvest ‘boring’.

Yes. Boring.

I get that quite a bit, actually. “What’s your theme?” Go on to describe that I want things well lit with torches and no strobes or any lighting effects. “Why” is the best I can hope for. “Boring” is more typical.

You don’t go around calling yourself unorthodox without getting a lot of ‘why’ and ‘boring’, I’ve decided.

Anyhow, some history on the ‘boring’ idea. Some time back I got a complaint that my work desktop was ‘depressing’. At the time it was a pile of skulls, so I set out to find a less depressing, yet halloweenish desktop. Since it was awful hard to find anything of mine minus skulls, I found this.

From An UnOrthOdOx Halloween

The longer it sat staring at me at work, and the more setbacks I had in the whole Spider Woman plan, the more it began to call to me. Thus, after one last setback, The Harvest was born.

Returning home, I deemed the pile of corn at my disposal insufficient to the task at hand, and with most sources either being too expensive (not free), or already tapped, it was time to strike out to plan B in earnest.

Mom’s big book of botanical omniscience declares this to be reed grass. I just call it great. Pulling up along side the road in the middle of nowhere, and start reaping the stuff from the ditch.

From 2010 Buildup

About 1 and 1/3 of a truckload later…I swiftly ran out of my intended storage, keeping this all off the grass till final week of October. (1/3 truckload because an airplane crashed into me. But that’s a long story in and of itself. Let me just say to whomever makes emergency kits, red soap to wash wounds makes it awful difficult to tell what’s blood and what’s soap…) So, there’s been some spillage into the yard.

From 2010 Buildup

So, the cat’s out of the bag where we are going here. These sheaves will be spread out much more, stacked everywhere. Probably less grass/corn per sheave, and spread out to appear as big.

From 2010 Buildup

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