Fears of Childhood…

Interesting day yesterday.

I get a call warning me Talia is cranky and hasn’t been sleeping. And, the babysitter has just put her back down when I get home. Sure enough, a few moments later, Talia starts crying.

I go in there, and tuck her back in, she’s obviously tired. Few moments later, crying again. This time I get in there in time to see what’s wrong…

Someone has placed her glow-worm in bed with her, and it’s playing. I pick it up, and she gives me this look. I press the button, it lights up and starts a little music, and Talia absolutely comes unglued screaming and pushing it away.

I can’t really blame her, the thing is pretty terrifying.

Creepy eyes, glowing face, horrific music emminating from it…

I’m with Talia on this one. And so, I confiscated it, and she slept beautifully.

Got me thinking of my other kid’s fears, and my own…

Kyle…is afraid of sharks.

COMPLETELY my fault. Kyle’s 3. In Florida MGM, Jen went over to the coaster side, I took Kyle to the movie ride side. We go in Twister, he laughs at the ‘wind monster’ that forms, fireballs and electical arcs flying everywhere. We go on King Kong, he laughs at the “monkey monster” as it grabs cars shaking and yelling. He laughs at everything we are there.

Jaws the ride….HOW WAS I TO KNOW? Never been myself. Now, thinking he would be able to see better, I set him right on the outside rail…Jaws is circling the boat, the driver’s shooting and yelling, the music’s playing, that boat tips and out comes Jaws RIGHT AT KYLE spraying water all over us in the process. He does not cry, he just sits there with this look. We get off, and for the first time, he does NOT want to go back on a ride.

That night, turn on the water to give him a bath, and off runs a naked 3 year old SCREAMING for fear of a shark coming out of the tap. To this day, he still looks nervous around a mere statue of a shark.

Never really understood the fear of sharks. I’m more afraid of the waves in the ocean myself.

Alec…is afraid of heights.

And toilets with blue water.

Don’t know where either come from. But, he is terrified that he will “break his neck” if he falls. He’s fine if he’s on his feet, but pick him up, put him up on something, remove those feet from the ground, and he’s petrified.

The blue water thing is more confusing. Having to do with potty training, I can’t remember WHO’S house had one of those drop ins that make the water blue, but he wanted nothing to do with it, and it’s been a challenge to get him to go potty anywhere but at home, or where there is a urinal.

That blue water is evil, after all. I think we may have cured him after me showing him the soap we use to clean the toilet is also blue. So, he’s been afraid of soap. He was able to laugh about that, but we have yet to encounter blue water at someone’s house since…


My older Brother was teasing me the other day about how he had to put away his coyote skull because I was so afraid of it when we were young.

Hey, as skulls go, canine skulls are pretty darn evil. I remember asking about it, and asking what a coyote was. I was told it was like a dog. And, we used to raise little puppies as well. Occasionally those puppies would die. So, in my mind, here we had this dead puppy sitting on a shelf.

Now, those puppies once tore up my favorite pillow, which was my comfort item. And, so, I was always afraid these dead puppies that clearly we were keeping around with this skull would come back and rip me apart. Horrible dreams of zombie puppies running around that basement. I could even hear their heartbeats as I laid in bed listening to what was clearly a hearbeat coming from beneath me. Only thing beneath me was the basement, and nothing was down there, so it MUST be those zombie puppies!!! Cause zombie puppies have hearts, you know. (or maybe it was my own hartbeat from my arm under the pillow, either way…)

My Brother commented how it irks him to see me swarming with skulls all over my yard now….

Yeah, but they sure aint coyote skulls, are they?!

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