Product Review: Mad Monster magazine.

I know we haven’t had a lot of updates lately…

I had a bit of an injury that made typing a little uncomfortable, and we’re in the process of shifting to a new job, so things have been a little crazy around here.

I recently got a surprise birthday present sent along my way.

Mad Monster Magazine. A new horror magazine seeking to etch it’s niche into the market.

The idea of horror, or even monster magazines is nothing entirely new…

What, then, sets this magazine apart?

The first thing I noticed was the quality. They are not skimping on the print process on this thing. This is high quality print, and paper. This thing is built to LAST. It’s really rare to come across an entire publication on such quality paper.

The entire publication has a really classic FEEL to it. Like it’s sprung up from the golden age of comics. Even the ads, for both real and faux products, which have that old comic book mail away for this feel to them, expertly woven into the magazine itself. And, while other publications might have similar articles on similar topics, Mad Monster has a rather playful rendering of this same information that makes it just fun.

I especially liked the article on a real-world Mad Scientist…even though it was one I knew quite well.

And then there are the little extras…

Included, for instance, was all the cutouts and instructions to create your own house from Psycho:

Now, I LOVE these kinds of things, always have, but I just couldn’t bring myself to cut up this magazine. I might have to take those pages down to Kinkos…

Also included were PAPER DOLLS. Well, at least their clothes…you can download the actual dolls on their website. I found this rather amusing as well.

There was even some kind of game included, with a game board, several game pieces, and set of instructions for your own little board game.

Heck, the magazine itself is a flip book with little images on the edges set into motion.

It’s nice to see a publication that feels like it is actually enjoying it’s subject. The first issue is out now, I’m already looking towards the second…

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