School Project…

So,about a week ago, I come home, and am told Kyle has some “mini society” and he has to come up with a service or product to produce. I knew immediately where they were going…

Jen goes on, “Kyle and I were talking…”

*sigh* He wants to make a bunch of skulls and sell them, and some bracelets for the girls.

Yeah…I don’t have any portable-size skulls.

Thank god for the wonderful people of the Halloween Forum. I posted a query where to find such a skull, and not only got suggestions where to find one, but was offered one, just pay the shipping.

So it was Friday, we set out and started the process of making a mold.

If you want a step-by-step account of how to do it your self, please go looky, here.

Also over the weekend, we got Talia into her little skele-girl shirt.

AND, I found out the Lindberg skull I ordered came in as well. Just to the neighbor’s house…
This was part of a group purchase done to get bargain pricing, again thanks to the Halloween Forum, and to RBC for setting it up!

Ah well, a new model to diversify my skulls even more. Not that most people will notice. We’ll be getting pics of it up as soon as I get the glue to actually put it together.

Categorized as Molds