Armor, model 2.0

It’s time to put all that stuff we learned from Alec’s costume to good use.

The first step in making Kyle into King Hamlet’s Ghost was to get a body form…So, we wrapped him in rigid wrap, cut it off, and attached the halves back together with more wrap. It’s quick and dirty, and not a real life cast, but infinitely cheaper and quicker.

From 2011 buildup

Instead of the long, boring, paper mache, cheese cloth and glue method, 2 quick layers of burlap and monster mud get us to this point in 3 days, what took me nearly 2 weeks on Alec. I really can’t believe I didn’t think of this on Alec’s armor.

From 2011 buildup

In another ‘you idiot why didn’t you think of this THEN’ moment, the back of Kyle’s armor is going to have a seam we’ll just velcro shut for easy on/off action. Alec is something of a contortionist, so slipping his over his head wasn’t a huge deal, but should have thought of this then…

That’s just mod podge which remains flexible, prevents the itching and fraying of the burlap as well as a super simple means of attaching the pieces together.

From 2011 buildup

Some quick paper mache to smooth the front out, and the chest piece is all done save for some paint and drying. Shoulders are up next, but I need the chest dry for that as well.

From 2011 buildup

And, no, Talia is not being left out. (and yes, that’s a heart on there if you look close…)

From 2011 buildup

Oh, and Alec has some more homework coming up. But more on that later, I can only handle one of these things at a time. It’s a heck of an off season this year…

MORE Homework?

Alec-zander is finally completed!

And, personally, I think it’s looking fantastic.

Little details are always just plain fun. Medusa…

Down to the buttons I found to attach that magnificent cape.

It’s been a fun project, but there were lots of lessons gleaned from working on it I would surely put to use if I were to ever think of making something similar again…

And it’s a good thing too. Kyle needs a costume for his class’s production of Hamlet. King Hamlet’s Ghost is often portrayed in armor as well…

More homework.

Categorized as Alec, Kyle

A very special Fears of Childhood.

Another in my series of examining the fears of childhood.

Somehow, some way, Talia managed to bite her finger whilst attempting to devour Oreo’s hard enough to draw blood…and trama ensued.

Talia REALLY does not care for blood. Ever since I was testing the 3d gel, and had colored it red (since we had a plethora of that color), she got rather upset with the ‘blood’ all over my face.

And, this cropped up again as she went through the haunted houses this season. One particular room, COVERED in blood, was always where she wanted me to pick her up. She don’t want anything to do with that.

Talia, it seems, has a fear of blood.

From 2011 buildup

Alec, meanwhile is nursing a long standing fear…of dogs.

From 2011 buildup

I really don’t know where this comes from. Both grandparents have dogs, and to my knowledge, he’s never been bit, yet he is still VERY nervous around either of them, and does not often pet, and will flinch if the dog so much as moves at his touch…


Oh, Kyle…

He got his first taste of a ‘real’ horror movie the other night…a sleepless one…

From 2011 buildup

As for Talia, though, she’s got her own way of working through the blood thing…raiding Alec’s old costumes.

From 2011 buildup

The Pumpkin Search continues, and other news.

Kyle’s mask is coming along. Got most of it sewn up and cut to fit. Just a few more modifications and some touchup painting left to do.

From 2010 Buildup

Talia has taken a disliking to the thing.

Debating whether to have him wear an “invisible” mask underneath or just rely on facepaint. I’m liking it, but thinking I could do a second much better. Might modify my methods and make a mask for me instead of the appliances I was planning on. I get claustrophobic in masks…badly. We’ll see…

The Pumpkin search made several strides today.

Our current price listing is as follows:

Day Farms: $.16/lb (best price on med-large sizes)
Maceys: $.19/lb
Home Depot: $4 ea
Walmart: *Varies by store. Seen them priced both by lb and by each. Averaging around $2.50 for a ‘normal’ size pumpkin

Farm in Harrisville: $.50 1-5lb, $1 5-10lb, $2 10-15lb, $3 15-20lb, etc *will not discount for my purposes as he serves a couple schools and wont have enough.
Country Gardens Nursery: $.20/lb *Likes The Harvest idea, will discount to $.12/lb for my bulk order
Welch’s Produce, Nursery, and Handmade Gifts: $.20/lb *offered 25% discount ($.15/lb) for bulk order, but willing to haggle on that.

—I need to check with Day Farms about a bulk purchase.

But, the question now is, since I’m already doing a bulk purchase at a discount…any of you locally want to jump in on it? What’s a couple more pumpkins when I’m already ordering a ton? (possibly literally)

Dr Walter Bishop

If you haven’t had the opportunity, you should really check out Fringe.

Fringe is, essentially, the new X-Files. But what really stands out, is Walter Bishop.

Walter Bishop is a genius. And absolutely insane.

Yet, where the typical mad scientist is portrayed with meniacal laughter. Walter Bishop is just plain INSANE. Thoughts are rarely cohesive. And, at the end of the day, he’s the only one that has a chance of understanding what’s going on in the show.

Been a busy start of the week.

Between soccer practices and pictures, and everything, we were in the car all day Monday.

So, we’re driving down the road, and I turn on the news at 6 PM. There, they tell a news story about thousands of dead birds washing up on the shores of the Great Salt Lake.

Kyle looks over at me.





“We’ll just pick up those birds and let them rot somewhere! It will be great! Bird skeletons!”

Yeah…He’s coming along nicely.

No, I don’t have any intention of bringing diseased bird carcasses to rot in my back yard. I don’t care if they say it “can’t be transmitted to humans or pets”.