
Every year, I like to have something of a preview out for Walpurgisnacht.

Mother, while coming along, simply had too much work to even get anything resembling much to anyone done in time, and there are some areas I need to figure out on her. So, I figured why not work on one of the other ones, one that will go together quick.

Talia has declared if the big one is Mother, this must be Father. “Then there will be a whole family.”

It started out simple enough, figuring on just throwing some skin on.

But it really wasn’t meshing with Mother the way I wanted, and I needed to be working on something I can send to the scarecrow contest. Mother is too big to haul around.

So, I started with a 2×4 and redesigned the body screwing bits right to the board. Soon it was coming together.

I actually have a “hand” for the right arm, just haven’t gotten around to attaching it. The left arm I haven’t been able to find a suitable piece, and may end up sculpting one instead.

Still a lot to do, but Father is a suitable preview to mark the half way point.

One man’s trash…

Neighbors were doing yard work over the weekend, hacking out a hedge.

Perfect opportunity for us, we descended upon this refuse and put it to work bulking out Mother’s body. Nice and pliable while green, it was easy to form.

As it dries out it will solidify and add strength to the frame as a whole.

Trial assembly for the body on one of the children.

Categorized as Mother