What’s This?

Bare with me here. You might have noticed we’re going through a few growing pains. However, this is all going to be a good thing in the end, once I figure out how to edit up this stuff properly. You might notice, this is now a right and true .com. No more blogspot. As such, I am free to add some additional pages and sections that I’ve always wanted to. So, look for new things coming soon in the future.

Most things converted over just great, however, my whole sidebar of links and stuff did not, so if you don’t see yourself over there anymore, just give me a little while to rebuild that.


  1. I love the look and feel of this new site. How did you do it? Why? How hard was it? The pictures are so much sharper and clearer.

  2. How? Well, I registered my own domain and built the thing.

    Why is a little more complicated, but it boils down to traffic I was getting on the old blog from people prospecting for “existing brands”. Essentially looking to register this .com and sell items under it’s name. While I have no definitive plans to sell anything, I wanted to leave my options open to the possibility. So, we registered it ourselves. And, since I had the domain name, I may as well put it to use. This will let me host my own tutorials and some other things that Blogger just wouldn’t allow.

    How hard? It’s a pain to move, much like moving in real life. Now that most everything is settled (I still haven’t “unpacked everything”, to keep the analogy) and we have the essentials down, it’s starting to feel a lot more like a home than an apartment.

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