Steve get’s a face…

While, we have not been able to get as much work on Steve as I would have liked this weekend, thanks to some unforeseen events, progress is moving along nicely.

I wasn’t too thrilled with the looks of the tissue paper/latex, so have switched over to paper towel/latex. A combo I’m a lot more experienced with.

And, Steve has gotten a solid beginning on a face.

From 2010 Buildup

Also added was the femurs, and some feet. Along with redoing the legs in the paper towel combo.

From 2010 Buildup

Now, you might be asking why the funky colored paint?

It’s a trial, and I’m not entirely sure if it’s correct yet…

From 2010 Buildup
From 2010 Buildup

Just a small test…still haven’t decided to go full out UV paint or a more traditional finish quite yet…

Categorized as Steve

Skinning Steve

We’ve spent the weekend getting some skin on Steve. Hands, feet, and skull are all skulpted, but I need the rest to dry a bit more before I go ahead and start attaching. Have to give it a few days.

From 2010 Buildup

Now the question starts to become just how I want to bundle him up, and just how do we want to paint and stain him once this step is over?

I also need to do some more work on the base, he’s just not quite to a point where he will stand up on his own. Need to get this part dry, then add some mache to the bottom side of the base.

Other to-do items are adding some femurs and add a finishing coat of latex to him after the hands, feet, and head are all attached and corpsed up. But, he’s coming along quite swiftly.

From 2010 Buildup
Categorized as Steve

Steve update.

Steve has absolutely FLOWN together. Basing a lot of construction on Bob, but with the added advantage that since Steve is getting some heavy corpsification, I dont need real detailed bone structures. So, we put this up in a matter of 2 short nights.

From 2010 Buildup

I have the mache on a skull and base of this drying now, still need to make some hands, with any luck in some drying times we’ll begin the corpsing this weekend.

Now I have some decisions to make on just how to finish the poor guy. While these are meant to go into the blacklit area, do I want them lit by pin spots and finished in a traditional manner, or shall we pull more from these wonderful Wilfire paints and finish them for blacklit viewing?

Categorized as Bob, Steve


Going way back to last January, I’ve been planning a shift of our theme towards my own version of Spider Woman.

Now, one of the features of Spider Woman was that she decorated her lair with her victims. Just how this was to be is entirely open to enterpretation.

And, I’ve been researching on some decoration with the deceased for quite some time.

From the Bone Cathedral…

From 2010 Buildup

To Aztec ruins…

From 2010 Buildup

To the Catacombs…

From 2010 Buildup

…And yet, I keep coming back to the Chachapoyas. People of the clouds…just how did they reach their cliff dwellings? Perhaps with assistance from Spider Woman? Perhaps this also influenced their mummification techniques? They sure look like they were bundled up by a spider…

From 2010 Buildup

Besides, if they’re good enough inspiration for Raiders of the Lost Ark, why not my little yard?

A little lessons learned from Bob, and Fred, and it should be possible to emulate a Chachapoyan mummy rather cheaply. But, what’s this Steve business?
