Old and new.

Been eyeballing some new prime lenses for my camera for quite some time, but just couldn’t pull the trigger for the pricey things. So, I watched and waited, and searched. In doing so, I stumbled on the means to unlock older lens useage on this camera. (why the feature comes locked out by default is beyond me)

Armed with this knowledge, I’ve been watching for someone to offload some of the old lenses. Finally happened last night, and I got myself a set of primes, finally. Sure, they’re 30 years old and only work on full manual mode. I have to shoot in full manual for my low light situations anyway.

The real star of the set, for me, is the 50mm F1.7 lens. Most folks would view this as a portrait lens, and it sure works pretty well in that capacity. (no, there is no flash being used anywhere here)

What it unlocks for ME, however, is a superior ability to take low light photos. The f1.7 makes the viewfinder much brighter and thus easier to focus on the subject (yes, OLD camera I actually have to use the viewfinder, not a live video screen, the horror). Not to mention the lower F stops than my current kit camera allowing this to be shot freehand, no tripod.

The next lens is a 28MM F2.4. This offers a small change from the 50MM at the end of the day. The wider angle allows for some more close up work.

The final lens is one I could pull out next time we go camping. 200MM F3.5. Really not going to be much use to my low light photography, but it sure took some fine pics of the moon even through the hazy sky.

It even works with my doubler, which tends to be picky which lenses it likes.

Witch’s Tea…

Talia’s party.

OLD, old sheet I made a long time ago, still getting uses.

Gathering, though, the girls just LOVE Hallowindow V’s Skull bounce.

Making hats.

And cookies…

And spells…

Categorized as Fun, Talia

Embracing my inner Martha.


I’ve long ridiculed some of the more cutesy crap around the holiday.

Well, we’re embracing it these days.

We’re having a Witch’s Tea for Talia later this month, and we’re in full prep mode. Even Talia.

Who really LOVES pumpkins in case you couldn’t tell.

Our witch’s hats all drying after the required black paint.

I honestly couldn’t tell you how long it’s been since I last used the halloween cutters. At least 10 years.

Our yard has hardly even been given any attention meanwhile. I’ve had some neighbors openly question what was up before I got the sign out. (even though it’s normal for us to not do much till the week prior to Halloween)

Early October is more for me to have a little fun with the decor. So, since I had to get the Chimera out and fixed up anyway (all joints needed some touchup)….

….I figured I may as well slap in some pink in honor of breast cancer awareness.

Wrapping things up.

It’s only September and we’re mostly done with the goals I had set for the year. This is a first. Maybe I’ll have to build something else, maybe we’ll just have an easier fall, we’ll see what mood strikes me.

The kids helped me finish up our tombstones.

(prior to some finish painting with the kids)

Then I made a number of small items for the Halloween forum “Secret Reaper”. Couple new sculpts, some challenging for me. But, as it’s still a surprise, pics will have to wait, but here’s Talia’s interpretation of one of them.

The corn is done, the pumpkin plants are fading fast.

Odds and Ends

Lots of little things to update on.

Finally getting around to raiding Kyle’s camera, we get to see what that skull I secretly made for his scout troop looked like in the dusty dirt they found it.

Pretty pleased it even fooled Kyle into thinking it was real.

Alec’s been bugging me to see Devil’s slide ever since he had a school report on Morgan County. So, when we were invited to go fishing near it, we had to stop.

Speaking of the fishing.

Got to see lots of deer on the way home too.

Kyle and Talia helped get the rest of this year’s tombstones etched. My hands hurt just thinking of all that painting…

Meanwhile, the pumpkin patch is consuming the scarecrow.

Redesign of the chiller portion on Trevor.

Have a big machine on order, will do a full on ice in the chest test once it arrives.

Messing around wondering what I could make out of some corn husks.

A very trying adventure attempting to find/buy/resorting to MAKE Talia’s Ruby Gloom backpack this year left me with a bunch of leftover transfers, so Tshirt time…

And since I was doing THAT, they all have been wanting some of “the pumpkin” shirts, so I printed off some of those as well.