Odds and Ends

Lots of little things to update on.

Finally getting around to raiding Kyle’s camera, we get to see what that skull I secretly made for his scout troop looked like in the dusty dirt they found it.

Pretty pleased it even fooled Kyle into thinking it was real.

Alec’s been bugging me to see Devil’s slide ever since he had a school report on Morgan County. So, when we were invited to go fishing near it, we had to stop.

Speaking of the fishing.

Got to see lots of deer on the way home too.

Kyle and Talia helped get the rest of this year’s tombstones etched. My hands hurt just thinking of all that painting…

Meanwhile, the pumpkin patch is consuming the scarecrow.

Redesign of the chiller portion on Trevor.

Have a big machine on order, will do a full on ice in the chest test once it arrives.

Messing around wondering what I could make out of some corn husks.

A very trying adventure attempting to find/buy/resorting to MAKE Talia’s Ruby Gloom backpack this year left me with a bunch of leftover transfers, so Tshirt time…

And since I was doing THAT, they all have been wanting some of “the pumpkin” shirts, so I printed off some of those as well.

“Real” art.

“Real” art. Thus Trevor was described to me by a neighbor.

We have gotten a tremendous amount done over the weekend. That is, me and my helper.

The tomb is about 90%. We have some touch up, and some fog figuring left to do.

Trevor’s been swiftly flying towards completion as well, with Alec’s help.

So, it was time for a little test to see how it was all coming together.

Even had time for a little lighting test before the thunderstorm this evening. Too windy to test the fog, though.

Decided we needed that warm lighting to highlight Trevor more. Either I have to make some fake candles…or….anyone know much about those drippy candles?

I still have a special place in my heart for the Pleurant, however.

Paint everywhere…

The long process of painting the tomb has begun.

With it, all tomb walls (inside and out) also got a coat of cheese cloth mixed in with the drylok for a little added strength and protection.

It’s a long, slowwwww process that is nearing it’s completion.

In the mean time, our pumpkin patch is really starting to take off, but we’ve lost plenty of female flowers to the heat. Especially the Cinderella variety. Both the Howden volunteers and the Luminas seem to be handling the heat better. We’ve even had an Old Zeb’s variety volunteer, but no females on it, yet.

Also made some more of our unusual tombstones, and they’re in the paint rotation as well….

I expect some pics that show actual TANGIBLE progress within a week.

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Believe it or not!

First tombstone I’ve ever made…

Been a crazy busy/crappy couple weeks, hope to get some stuff done next week and have major updates.

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