Hail to the King

A glorious day.

It was about 10 months ago now. Halloween had just ended, the last remnants being packed away into their boxes, and stored away neatly in their resting places. There, a little styrofoam wig head bounced around on the garage floor.

Now, I had promised Jen, no halloween from Nov 1 through Jan 1. And so, hatched the plan. I’ld work on CHRISTMAS. By making a Jack Skellington. Hey, it’s not “Halloween”, it’s Christmas with a Halloween mix.

However, my searches of every store, every 2nd hand store, every good will store, and the internet yielded NO DVD copies of the Nightmare Before Christmas. Well, unless you felt like spending $50+ on one, anyway. And so, I was left reviewing what still photos I could find, and hooking up our VCR to see our old VHS copy.

Today, that changes.

Nightmare Before Christmas is released on DVD today. All hail the Pumpkin King!

And yes, that is just a taste for you of what is coming up after Halloween and into Christmas. But, there will be plenty of time to talk about that later.