Chimera, Jim, and Repo.

Been a while since an update.

My wife and I headed out to what it turning into an annual tradition on her birthday, the Repo shadowcast. It took me a few days to recover from that, and a few more to edit the pictures, since I was shooting in RAW.

From Repo
From Repo
From Repo
From Repo
From Repo

The show was better this year, and the crowd was a whole lot better this year as well. Very fun time.

And, while recovering, with rain pouring down last weekend, I started thinking “why not make a whole torso in Jim style”…

Yes, it is as time consuming as it looks. But, we’ve started on the idea.

From 2011 buildup

Then, with weather finally clearing this week, able to get some swimming in, I even got a little bit of work done on the Chimera.

From 2011 buildup

For the second time, I made myself jump as the car headlights hit the thing while locking up last night.

It’s looking like a THING more than just a frame…

From 2011 buildup
From 2011 buildup

Tapping the Uncanny Valley.

Man I love Netflix.

They recently made it available to our PS3 without mailing away for a special disk, and I’ve been in love with it ever since.

Most recently becoming re-acquainted with that hidden gem from my childhood: The Dark Crystal.

I was never a huge fan of it…for a rather odd reason. It just tasted wrong. Yes. Tasted. It’s one of those few films that has the unusual effect of leaving me with a taste. I know it sounds odd…and I can’t explain it.

I don’t know, maybe I was unconsciously tasting podling essence.

But, watching it again after many years of it being forgotten made me appreciate it on a whole different level, but it’s still rather disturbing. Trying to pin down WHY, I’m left to consider the Uncanny Valley…

What’s that, you ask?

The ‘Gelfings’ in Dark Crystal can definitely fall into that ‘valley’.

And, that got me thinking…how do we tap this?

First thought came to costumes.

Think of virtually ANY Halloween icon. They are more or less human, yet have some characteristic that makes them just that much ‘off’. I’ve always told people that to make a good, original, scary costume, you’re best bet is pick a feature and enlarge it, while minimizing others.

Larger eyes, mouth, teeth, etc.

But, really, “the valley” can apply to most things. We create certain expectations for any number of situations, and when something is ‘off’, we begin to get uneasy.

One thing I’ve noticed in my 6 years doing this yard haunt, the first thing I did remains one of those things that tends to make the trick or treaters uneasy. There is no one at the door. No candy, no reward for ringing that bell. Groups will go to the door, and then stand wondering what to do as they see other kids heading out into the yard. Is it right? Is it safe?

What other things can we take just left of center? What other things can we take into the valley?

This is going to take some thought…

Out of touch.

It’s become apparent that someone, somewhere is out of touch.

And, it may well be me.

I sat down this weekend and finally got around to watching The Wolfman.

From 2010 Buildup

Now, I am normally a person who is opposed to remakes, I’ll admit. But, I was actually excited to see Universal remaking the Wolfman. If there was a movie that deserved a fresh coating, this was it. And, it was getting the big budget treatment as well, not some low budget sidetrack. I was hoping for a horror film to enjoy, with my kids, in the theater.

Even hearing about the problems, I remained optimistic. Even with the decision to go CGI, I maintained my hope for the film.

And then, the news came. Wolfman was to be rated R. For Gore. And Universal was actually thrilled with this, hailing the rating as a sign that The Wolfman was serious old school horror.

Now, maybe I’m lost here, but when has gore and ‘R’ rating become synonymous with horror?

Wolfman, Dracula, and the Mummy were certainly not overtly gory.

Now, I’m not opposed to an R rating by any stretch. But to do that to a classic movie monster? On PURPOSE? You’ve got to be joking.

Well, gone was the plans to be in the theaters with the kids opening night. This was relegated to rental status, where I still held some hope this was all some kind of sick mistake by overprotective ratings people.

Sadly, that is not the case at all. With promising twists to the story, rather great detail to the setting, and actually pleasant special effects overall, the film became infatuated with presenting detailed scenes of the werewolf disemboweling someone somewhere somehow. This, in place of actually attempting to build some kind of ACTUAL horror with mood, pacing, or proper staging of a scene.

I know there are indeed those that feel if it’s not R, it can’t be horror. I happen to disagree. Gore, for gore’s sake, is not frightening, nor does it inspire horror. Yes, there is a place and use for it, but the genre is practically screaming for some REAL old school attention. Films that the teenage market is free to seek out.

Or maybe I’m just out of touch.

Then again, considering the box office numbers, just perhaps, Hollywood is…

Categorized as Movies

Hitting the town…

My wife and I skipped town this weekend to see a local shadow cast of Repo! The Genetic Opera.

From Repo

Of course, we had no idea what to expect for such a thing. It could be a packed house, or empty. We stopped by to purchase tickets at roughly 3 in the afternoon, and were told they expected a line to start forming around 10:30. So, we were there, first in line.

From Repo

What’s more, they allowed me to bring the camera provided I ask the cast first. They were ok with it as well, so I was shooting pics in throughout. Unsure the size of the theater, and not wanting to have to pack everything back to the car if I was denied, I only brought my telephoto lense. I wish I had brought my shorter one. But, we know better for next year.

Our (very funny) security for the night.

From Repo

As we were pat down prior to the show, I told my wife I only take her out to the best places…

Anyhow. I chose the camera I did, largely based on reviews stating just how well it performs in low light situations…well, ya know, I seem to have a few of those…

I can’t imagine a more difficult lighting situation than attempting to snap photos of actors with the shifting lighting created by a projector. I must say, I am impressed.

From Repo
From Repo
From Repo
From Repo

It was a very fun night that I’m still attempting to recover from.

And, we stumbled on something whilst out shopping that may just revolutionize how I set things up in the yard. But, more on that later.

Things you see in a graveyard…

I’ve been watching for Repo: The Genetic Opera to come into theaters here since I heard about it years ago.

I had checked earlier in the year, and saw no mention of a DVD, and more theater opening schedules up with nothing new in Utah to report.

So, whilst at the video rental store last weekend, I was shocked when I saw Repo on the shelves, and immediately grabbed it.

I watched it 5 times during the rental period, and was very reluctant to take it back. It IS a Rock Opera. Emphasis on the opera. As such, it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. However, you owe it to yourselve to at least give it a view once, as it is the most unique thing I’ve seen out of Hollywood in years. Perhaps ever.

Categorized as Movies