“Real” art.

“Real” art. Thus Trevor was described to me by a neighbor.

We have gotten a tremendous amount done over the weekend. That is, me and my helper.

The tomb is about 90%. We have some touch up, and some fog figuring left to do.

Trevor’s been swiftly flying towards completion as well, with Alec’s help.

So, it was time for a little test to see how it was all coming together.

Even had time for a little lighting test before the thunderstorm this evening. Too windy to test the fog, though.

Decided we needed that warm lighting to highlight Trevor more. Either I have to make some fake candles…or….anyone know much about those drippy candles?

I still have a special place in my heart for the Pleurant, however.

A Gemini at work.

If there’s one thing I can say about this tomb project, it’s that it is perfect for me.

If you’ve been following long, you’ll have noticed that I tend to start many projects early in the year, and don’t always finish them until October, if at all. As a Gemini, this seems quite natural for me.

Often, I’ve taken to setting deadlines for myself. This typically results in me rushing through a particular stage to get the project finished, even if it’s not my best work. Hey, at least it’s done, and who will notice in the dark anyway, right?

This tomb, however, has so many pieces to it, I’m easily able to hop from one area to another.

Saturday saw me working on Trevor, for instance.

And, I started getting that “let’s get this done to go work on the next thing” feeling. Well, the next thing is just more of the tomb, so I dropped Trevor and started working on a wall.

The thing is swiftly flying towards a completed piece. I’d sure like to have it finished in April. But, I’m going to avoid making that a deadline on this project. No need to rush anything.