Out of touch.

It’s become apparent that someone, somewhere is out of touch.

And, it may well be me.

I sat down this weekend and finally got around to watching The Wolfman.

From 2010 Buildup

Now, I am normally a person who is opposed to remakes, I’ll admit. But, I was actually excited to see Universal remaking the Wolfman. If there was a movie that deserved a fresh coating, this was it. And, it was getting the big budget treatment as well, not some low budget sidetrack. I was hoping for a horror film to enjoy, with my kids, in the theater.

Even hearing about the problems, I remained optimistic. Even with the decision to go CGI, I maintained my hope for the film.

And then, the news came. Wolfman was to be rated R. For Gore. And Universal was actually thrilled with this, hailing the rating as a sign that The Wolfman was serious old school horror.

Now, maybe I’m lost here, but when has gore and ‘R’ rating become synonymous with horror?

Wolfman, Dracula, and the Mummy were certainly not overtly gory.

Now, I’m not opposed to an R rating by any stretch. But to do that to a classic movie monster? On PURPOSE? You’ve got to be joking.

Well, gone was the plans to be in the theaters with the kids opening night. This was relegated to rental status, where I still held some hope this was all some kind of sick mistake by overprotective ratings people.

Sadly, that is not the case at all. With promising twists to the story, rather great detail to the setting, and actually pleasant special effects overall, the film became infatuated with presenting detailed scenes of the werewolf disemboweling someone somewhere somehow. This, in place of actually attempting to build some kind of ACTUAL horror with mood, pacing, or proper staging of a scene.

I know there are indeed those that feel if it’s not R, it can’t be horror. I happen to disagree. Gore, for gore’s sake, is not frightening, nor does it inspire horror. Yes, there is a place and use for it, but the genre is practically screaming for some REAL old school attention. Films that the teenage market is free to seek out.

Or maybe I’m just out of touch.

Then again, considering the box office numbers, just perhaps, Hollywood is…


  1. Unfortunately, I don’t think the gore was what kept people away from this movie.

  2. I agree completely. I’ll be renting it this weekend, having decided against seeing it in theatres for the reasons you mentioned. Hoping it’s not too much of a disappointment. :/

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